Barak Bulletin, a media house in Assam, has posted a picture of one of Assam’s most wanted smuggler Abu Mazumdar sitting next to Mizoram Chief Minister Zoramthanga in a dinner meeting between the CM of Assam and Mizoram. The meeting took place on 25th November, 2021in Delhi and has been brought to light on account of the recent raid conducted by Assam police at Abu Mazumdar's house in Cachar district. In the picture posted by Barak Bulletin, the Assamese smuggler is seen next to Mizoram CM in two pictures, one during the dinner and the other in a group photo after the dinner. While the news headline was regarding the raiding of the house of the Assamese smuggler in Cachar, much of the news content was about the CM-level meeting which took place in last year November. According to the news report, “Abu Mazumder is a top level handler and has close relationships with Mizoram Government ” and that “The officials are raiding a man’s house who was CM Zoramthanga’s special guest at a CM- level meeting,” reports the Barak Bulletin. 

This has become a matter of serious concern and the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) has released an explanation regarding the claim made by the Assamese media. According to the CMO statement, cetain facts have been distorted in the report given by Barak Bulletin. The dinner has been reported as one hosted by Mizoram CM while it was Assam CM who hosted the dinner, according to the CMO statement.  It was on his invitation that CM Zoranthanga attended the dinner at Delhi Assam House. CM Zoramthanga was accompanied by Delhi Mizoram House Resident Commisioner, OSD to CM and Addl. PS to CM. The statement also mentioned that the Assamese smuggler Abu Mazumdar was not invited by Mizoram CM and that the CM has no connection with the said individual.