“Mizo Folktales,” an art exhibition curated by Rinawmi KC was held at Donum Dei, Dawrpui Vengthar from 25th March to 31st March 2023. 


It is the curator's maiden exhibition as an artist. She chose folktales, as they are stories that have been told over and over again by our parents and grandparents through generations.

As there are “hardly any written stories, and each tale differs slightly from one teller to another”, Rinawmi picked a handful of folktales for this exhibition, to renew the feelings of the older generation as well as to plant seeds if interest and pique the curiosity of the younger generations


Nine artists, including the curator, displayed their art at this exhibition, consisting of fourteen art pieces, including handwoven Mizo puan. People who came to the exhibition expressed their desire to see more artworks from the artists. 


The participating artists are friends who attend the SIRD training at Art Novelty Gallery. At the onset of Chapchar Kut, they began to consider an art exhibition that could highlight Mizo Folktales. However, since they had barely a month to prepare, they didn’t have time to display as much pieces as they wished to, but were grateful to be able to exhibit fourteen artworks along with puan. Nevertheless, the pieces were amazing and eye-catching. 


Rinawmi says that she thinks their exhibition inspired people and that a lot of people supported the exhibition. She also says that she plans to hold hold another exhibition in the future because she believes it is an invaluable experience. The artist also laments over the fact that the younger generation do not know much about Mizo folktales because international art is more relevent nowadays and has influenced the younger generation, but she wants to inspire the younger generation and help them learn about the Mizo traditional folktales.


In order to showcase the Mizo tradition, Rinawmi also included ‘puan’ in her exhibition. The art and puan displayed in the exhibition are affordable and not too expensive; she wants to make it affordable for the masses.