The State Handloom Expo 2022 organized by Mizoram Handloom and Handicrafts Development Corporation Ltd (ZOHANDCO) which will be open for the next two weeks was inaugurated by Dr. Lalthangliana, Minister of Commerce and Industries at the rooftop of Millennium Centre’s Exhibition Hall yesterday. The inauguration program was attended by Mr. K. Laldawngliana, Vice Chairman of Industrial Development Board and MR. Lalthanliana, Chairman of Mizoram Khadi and Village Industries Board (KVI) .

In the inauguration programme, Dr.R. Lalthangliana encouraged the people employed in the handloom and handicraft industry to toughen up in their field of work. He stated that regardless of the job, one needs to be persistent and consistent to become successful. Due to the pandemy, the state was in a state of confinement for a long period thus having adverse effects on handloom workers and their livelihood. At the same time, the situation has improved and with Mizoram gradually getting back to normal, the Minister expressed his hope that the situation will turn in favour of the textile and handloom industry. He also advised the workers  to produce qualities which would go beyond the local market. He also added that the SEDP Board has thought through ways of exporting products from Mizoram across states and strongly advised people in the handloom and handicraft industry to expand their horizon.

Mr. C. Lalrammawia, Chairman of ZOHANDCO gave a brief report about the Corporation. It was formed at 1988 to help manual labours and provide them benediction and profits from it. He reported that they have organized Vendor Development Program (VDP) and held seminars in four districts throughout the state and an Emporium will be inaugurated this March below ZOHANDCO office and diifferent local products will be exhibited for merchandising. e

The Handloom Expo is set to take place for two weeks and will be closed on 15th March. Products from Mizoram- Puan, kawr, ipte, different traditional dresses and handicraft related products will be displayed in 36 stalls.