11 January is a significant day for the Mizo Christian community as it marks the arrival of first English missionaries, Rev. JH Lorrain and Rev. FW Savidge, to Mizoram. All state government offices and educational institutions remain closed for the day as the state government has declared this day a public holiday. Chuch services are conducted in almost every local churches within the state. 

Rev. JH Lorrain and Rev. FW Savidge, fondly called Pu Buanga and Sap Upa by the Mizo people, arrived by boat through Tlawng river from Assam on January 11, 1894 after which they carried on a successful mission work in the state. They made significant contribution in the field of education, literature, healthcare and other aspects of life. According to the latest statistics, Christians constitute 87.6% of the total population in Mizoram.